SmartOffice Pro

Purposely built for financial services professionals, take your sales and marketing to the next level with SmartOffice.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a valuable technology for any business.

By performing as a central hub for detailed client information it has the ability to streamline communication between your business and its clients, delivering outstanding customer experiences that result in business growth.


Used by 125,000 insurance professionals across the globe, SmartOffice is the CRM of choice for the insurance industry. Developed by Ebix, Australia’s leading insurance software provider, SmartOffice is a CRM that specifically meets the sales and marketing needs of insurance professionals.


SmartOffice Pro sits seamlessly within any insurance business due to its integration with Ebix broking and life software as well as Microsoft Office. SmartOffice is a web-based CRM, so it can be used anytime, anywhere and implemented almost instantly.


Its unique set of features help your business stand out from the crowd by creating a customer-centric environment. This is achieved by establishing profound customer relationships by managing sales pipelines and marketing campaigns; gaining customer and business insight by creating dynamic reports; and keeping on top of repeat business and deadlines by tracking policies and documents.


Find out why SmartOffice is the CRM solution chosen by the insurance industry worldwide.


+61 2 8467 3000


With MS Office integration, does it sync my contacts and activities from Outlook, as well as emails?
Yes it does.


I keep my prospect list in an excel spreadsheet. Is there a way I can put this into SmartOffice?
Yes. As part of the MS Office integration, you can import spreadsheets of lists of prospect into SmartOffice in just a few steps that the Data Import Wizard will guide you through.


Can I set up SmartOffice so that only the relevant reports are available to relevant people e.g sales people see sales reports?
Yes you can. With Administrator rights, you can set and customise specific user rights and permissions for every single user in your office at an individual level, or for groups of staff.


How specific can my reports be?
As specific as you like. If you input the data into SmartOffice, you can report on it. Every report is completely customisable.


Are there any pre-loaded Opportunity Processes in SmartOffice?
Yes. As a new SmartOffice user, we provide you with a few processes to get you up and running for things you might want to report on straight away. From there you can create your own, or edit the existing ones to suit your business.


If I want my staff to send out a letter to a prospect at a certain stage of a process, how do I do that?
When you set up the stages in an opportunity process, you can attach an action to a stage. That action would instruct the person to send the prospect a letter. You can also make it so the relevant letter is attached to that stage to avoid confusion.


Can a stage be mandatory?
Yes. You can set it so that the broker cannot progress a prospect or client to a certain stage without completing the one before it.

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