Hutch Underwriting Client Showcase

Ebix Australia Hutch Underwriting Client Showcase

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At Ebix Australia, we are proud to be more than just the top InsurTech provider to the Australian Insurance industry. We believe in highlighting the success stories of our clients and partners who drive change in the industry. In this article, we are excited to share the story of how Hutch’s use of the  Ebix Sunrise Exchange® platform has allowed them to offer their intermediary partners exceptional service levels.  


Introducing Hutch Underwriting – an innovative underwriting agency that launched in late 2022 with the goal of dramatically improving service levels for its brokers, and offering more accurate pricing and innovative coverage for their clients.  


Hutch’s founders had identified service levels and admin workloads as a key broker complaints, particularly at the volume end of the market, and set about designing an underwriting process that would automate as much of the manual work as possible for both underwriters and brokers. This automation would then free up its underwriters to be able to offer faster turnaround times on referrals. To achieve this end, they integrated their underwriting platform with Sunrise Exchange®, which enabled brokers to access their product with no logins and passwords, eliminate double keying and admin, and automate closings.


They enhanced broker-entered customer information with geocoding and third-party data to offer more accurate pricing and enhanced their product with market-first coverage including built-in pet liability and a cybercrime option.


“The launch has gone really well – our brokers love the convenience of Sunrise, and love the service levels that we’ve been able to offer on referrals. In our first survey, we saw 94% customer satisfaction levels, so we’re definitely doing something right” – Robin Johnson, CEO at Hutch Underwriting.


“We’re really pleased with our Ebix experience – the team has been really helpful, and it’s felt like a true partnership all the way through the accreditation and launch process. Given that we launched to all of our brokers simultaneously, it’s a testament to Ebix’s experience that we only experienced a couple of very minor teething issues, which were resolved in the first week.”


Trusted by some of Australia’s largest insurers, Sunrise Exchange® is now far more accessible than it has been historically for new suppliers looking to enter the market or existing ones considering launching a new product. With Ebix’s proven track record of helping companies like Hutch Underwriting to achieve their goals, Ebix Australia is the perfect partner to start your journey with.


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